An Eye Opener on 5 Alternative Medicines Available Today
Alternative forms of medicine has been a myth for many people residing in North America.Interesting to note, this notion is changing and people are starting to embrace it as compared to using conventional medicine nowadays.This is because conventional medicine has been noted to have various side effects on the human body. Conventional medicine has been realized to concentrate more on a patients illness. Today, doctors are being perceived as marketers of their medicine as opposed to being health practitioners.Alternative medicine focuses on treating symptoms instead of the disease.For instance, with conventional medicine, a patient who has breast cancer might have their organ amputated or having the cancer cells hammered until they die off.With alternative medicine, the focus is on upholding holistic and preventive treatment.Health practitioners that embrace alternative medicine work on understanding the cause of the disease before administering treatment.A good example is cancer where doctors that embrace conventional medicine administer strong drugs and painkillers on a patient. At the same time, a patient can be exposed to severe chemotherapy and radiology sessions.However, alternative medicine uses therapy treatment to treat the body, mind, spirit effectively. Below is a guide on the advantages on alternative medicines available nowadays.
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that is highly appreciated in Asian and China countries where it has been practiced for many years. Health practitioners use needles to bring about stimulation to the patient’s body. Chinese practitioners’ state that for maximum health benefits can be achieved when universal forces join together with body forces.
Aromatherapy is an alternative medicine method whereby a patient applies plant extracts on their skin for ample heat benefits. The extracts have been proven to be quite beneficial for the well-being of a human body.Some of the oils used in aromatherapy include rosemary, chamomile, and peppermint, lavender among others which have proven to come handy in improving blood circulation, relaxation, and total well-being.
Massage therapy has proved to be a great form of alternative medicine over the years.Here, a patient is exposed to squeezing and kneading of their body tissues that include ligaments, body muscles, and tendons. For people looking to reduce the levels of tension, stress and improve the circulation of blood in their body, massage therapy is the way to go.
Most doctors advocate for patients to try acupressure. This method uses pressure as a way of relieving pain. Any clogged up body energies are released through acupressure. The pressure is exerted on a patient’s body by using feet, hands, fingertips, and elbows. Cancer patients are advised to uphold this method for better results.
Since time memorial, balneotherapy has been upheld by most people.This treatment uses water that is mixed with minerals that are recommended for the human skin.This method is recommended for ailments such as chronic spinal cord, allergies, back pains, osteoarthritis, and respiratory diseases among others.